Isuzu UTE a front runner in customer satisfaction awards

Isuzu UTE Australia (IUA) has had its excellent product reliability and after sales service claims validated in the recent Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards, which placed IUA joint second (with Subaru) after winner Lexus in its 2015 Car Manufacturer of the Year.

Roy Morgan Research, Australia’s largest independent research company and one of the most respected in the world, has been measuring Customer Satisfaction for many years and collects customer satisfaction ratings from ongoing Single Source surveys from over 50,000 consumers. This data is then used to determine the monthly and annual winners of the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards.

The winner for the calendar year is the organisation that achieves the most months with a number one ranking. 

Isuzu UTE Australia has also started off the 2016 Customer Satisfaction Awards in strong fashion, posting their first win in the January survey.